Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Lots of Pics

So, I've been meaning to post some recent pictures of the girls. They are growing up way too fast! Reed and I enjoy every second with them. They truly are the most wonderful children we ever could have hoped for! Makes us want more! Someday... Here's an update on what the girls enjoy doing:
Allyson's favorite things:
Playing princess
Going to the doctor
Riding her bike
Having picnics with "lots of food"
Showing Emily how to play with her toys
Playing with Daddy's new Droid X
Whining (this is NOT Mommy and Daddy's favorite)
Emily's favorite things:
Laughing at Ally when she cries
Pulling up on anything that stands still
Pulling Ally's hair
Putting everything in her mouth (edible or otherwise)
Squealing at the cats and chasing them around the house
Cruising the furniture
Enjoy the pictures! More posts to come soon!
Emily's carrot face looking at Daddy

Emily stuffing her mouth full of kiwi. Other things she's loving: carrots, fresh mango, bananas

Ally on Grannina's and PeePaw's sailboat

Ally and Daddy doing art after dinner

Emily helping Mommy pack up clothes for Cousin Olivia

Nana and Emily playing

Emily playing after coming back from the pool

Girls playing under the coffee table

Emily giving Ally a little kiss

1 comment:

M. Schlansker said...

I can't believe how big the girls are getting! Emily looks so different from Ally (to me, the untrained eye). Such beautiful girls!