Weather was great again, so drove to Seward, south of Anchorage. It is the Northern most port in North America that does not ice over in the winter. Here I am standing by the fjord.

And a random Jellyfish.

I sampled four of the five meats in this sign. Reindeer was amazing, fresh Crab Legs were awesome, Buffalo (actually Bison) was very good, Caribou was pretty good. Didn't have a chance to try the Musk Ox, but no big deal for me. I also tried a Moose burger. Moose was a little different, very lean, personally I would rather have the reindeer or bison. Alaska also had great fish. The fresh Halibut was really good, though I can't tell the difference between it and flounder. The Salmon was actually out of season, so all of it was frozen, but it was still good.
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