Ally is a great big sister. She comes home from school every day and gives her little sister a kiss. "She likes me, mommy" Ally says every time Emily stares at her. When Emily cries, Ally likes to help me soothe her with a calming, reassuring voice: "It's okay Emily. It's okay baby girl." Allyson has started her battle of wills with her daddy. Last night I was laughing hysterically at Reed arguing with Ally while giving her a bath. Then I started crying hysterically when he got upset I was laughing. My hormones are obviously still not balanced.
I spend my days nursing Emily, watching t.v., catching cat naps on the couch, and trying to keep up with the girls' laundry. My new wardrobe consists of nursing bras and pajama pants, so I'm not generating much laundry of my own.
Reed is working from home the rest of the year, so I am very lucky I at least have some adult conversation during the day and someone to watch Emily so I can grab a shower. He has been just as fantastic a dad this time as he was when we brought Ally home from the hospital. He lets me go to bed after the last feeding and gets Emily to go to sleep for her 4-5 hours. He brings her to me in the middle of the night for her feeding, then puts her back to bed. Reed takes such good care of all his girls!
Here are some more pictures for you all to enjoy (if I can figure out how to post):